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Wart & Skin Tag Removal

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Moles and skin tags are common skin concerns that can cause embarrassment and discomfort. If you are bothered by moles or skin tags, stitch-free mole and skin tag removal may be the solution. This minimally invasive procedure is performed by experienced medical professionals and can help you gain confidence in having clear and flawless skin. Cosmetic removal of moles, skin tags and other bumps on the skin is a lot different from medical removal by your general practitioner as it does not involve any cutting into the skin or stitching of the skin. The raised area is β€˜shaved’ off the skin gradually and very precisely until all of the raised mole or skin tag has been removed.

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Organik Laser & Beauty

Mole removal

Mole removal

Cherry Angiomas

Cherry Angioma are common skin growth that vary in size. They can occur anywhere on the body and face, they mainly occur after the age of 30. Cherry Angiomas are red moles that develop on your skin which are also known as Cherry Hemangiomas, Senile Angiomas to Campbell de Morgan spots.

Cherry Angiomas are usually benign unless they bleed or change appearance which can be a indicator of skin cancer.
Cherry Angioma are most common in adult and are made of small blood vessels that give it a red or purple appearance, they can occur in some adults in the 20s or earlier.

What Causes Cherry Angiomas?
Cherry Angiomas may develop due to following reason:
– Ageing
– Pregnancy
– Genetics

What do Cherry Angioma Look Like?

Cherry Angiomas are flat red spots that grow from very small from 1mm to 5mm and can be slightly raised. they can change shape and size over period time.

They are small and circular oval shape. Cherry Angiomas may bleed if they are rubbed or scratched and often grow with natural ageing. 70% of people have Cherry Angiomas over the age of 75 years old. Often they grow in the legs, arms, torso face and back.

Price List

Cherry Angioma x 1 ………..… $39

Cherry Angioma x 2 ……..…… $69

Cherry Angioma x 3 ……..…… $99

Cherry Angioma x 4 ………… $129

Cherry Angioma x 5 ………… $149

Cherry Angioma x 6 ………… $199

Skin Tags (Acrochordons)

Skin tags are small, noncancerous growths that form when the skin rubs against itself. They typically don’t require treatment. But if their appearance bothers you, you can undergo a skin tag removal procedure. It’s important to receive care from a health professional and not try to treat them yourself.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags (acrochordons) are small, noncancerous growths that tend to be the same color as your skin. They often look like a cluster of skin tissue extending out from a tiny stem. They’re sometimes darker and may resemble a raised mole. Most skin tags are between 1-5 mm, but some can grow as large as a few centimeters.

Are skin tags common?

Yes, acrochordons are common. Researchers estimate that half of all adults will have at least one skin tag in their lifetime.

How do skin tags affect my body?

Skin tags do not affect your health. But they can be unsightly. If they are in areas like your face and neck, they can make you self-conscious. A skin tag removal procedure from a qualified professional can help.

What causes skin tags?

Acrochordons occur when the body produces extra cells in the skin’s top layers. They tend to form in skin folds and areas where natural movement causes the skin to rub against itself. Skin tags often grow in these areas:

  • Armpits.
  • Eyelids.
  • Groin or thighs.
  • Neck.
  • Under the breasts.
  • Genitals.

What are the symptoms of acrochordons?

Skin tags typically do not cause symptoms. In some cases, friction from a skin tag rubbing against your skin, clothes or jewelry can cause discomfort or bleeding.

Price List

Skin Tag - XS (0.5cm) ……... $29

Skin Tag - S (1cm)Β .……….… $49

Skin Tag - M (1.5-2cm) …....Β $69

2 x Skin Tag - XS ………..… $49

3 x Skin Tag - XS …..…..… $79

4 x Skin Tag - XS ..……..… $99

2 x Skin Tag - S …………… $89

3 x Skin Tag - S …….…… $129

4 x Skin Tag - S …….…… $149

2 x Skin Tag - M .………….Β $119

3 x Skin Tag - M ……….….Β $159

4 x Skin Tag - M ……….….Β $249


While warts are typically innocuous and often heal on their own after a period of weeks or months, they can still prove to be irritating and their appearance can be harmful to a person’s self-esteem. Warts on the sole of the feet can also be somewhat painful.

Benefits of removing warts by plasma pen

  • Permanent and immediate removal
  • Treatment without bleeding
  • Rapid healing and regeneration of the skin
  • Painless: the only sensation is like a gentle pinch
  • No visible scars

What are warts, anyway?

Warts, or, verrucae in Latin, are growths on the mucous membranes or skin. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They commonly appear on the fingers, palms and soles of the feet, but the genitals can be affected, too.
Being of viral origin, there is a chance of transmission of warts from person to person. This happens by either direct or indirect contact. For example, shared (communal) showers, saunas and swimming pools are places of risk. Therefore, it’s recommended to use suitable footwear and sit on one’s own towel.
The incubation period of a wart may last several months.

Price List

Wart - XS (0.5cm) ……….…. $49

Wart - S (1cm) …………….… $69

2 x Warts - XS  ……….…… $89

3 x Warts - XS Β .…….…… $129

4 x Warts - XS  ……..…… $149

2 x Warts - S  …………...… $119

3 x Warts - S  ……….…..… $159

4 x Warts - S  ……….…..… $249

Raised Moles

Plasma and Laser Mole Removal is effective on moles, this type of removal usually provides an excellent cosmetic result with no surgical scarring. Laser treatment uses specific wavelengths of light that destroy the dark pigment in the skin. This option is a good option for removing mole’s from the face as there is less risk of scarring.

At Organik Laser & Beauty we use a Plasma Pen to remove raised moles. Firstly, numbing cream will be applied to the area. The Plasma Pen plasma is a special form of a gas that has an electrical energy that can work through the top layers or the skin right down to the dermis. The Plasma turns a solid into a gas (called sublimination) and the result is that the skin tag is removed in minutes. There is no heat transferred to surrounding skin and therefore only the mole is affected. Post treatment there is a small brown micro-crust that will flake off after approximately 5 days.

We will aim to remove the mole in one session however some moles may need multiple treatments as some moles are more stubborn that others, laser and plasma fibroblast removal is an ideal choice for treating multiple facial and body moles.

We will go through a full consultation, medical history, the procedure process and the aftercare at the consultation stage. we will be happy to answer all your questions in regards to your treatments.

* You must provide a clearance letter from your doctor or skin specialist error we can treat any moles.

Price List

Mole Removal - XS (0.5cm) … $59

Mole Removal - S (1cm) ……..Β $99

Mole - M (1.5-2cm) …….…...Β $129

Frequently asked questions about skin leison removal